Dave Bucklin

Discrete Math the Hard Way

In October, I was staring down a long, cold winter in Minnesota. I knew I’d need a hobby. It had been a while since I completed a certificate course, so I pulled up Coursera to see what they had to offer on the topic of computer science. I found a certificate series on discrete mathematics for computer science from UC San Diego. I’ve been interested in computer science fundamentals so, after reviewing the courses, I decided to dive in.

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DIY Solar Power Station

I found some small lead-acid batteries at my local surplus store and felt inspired to create my own solar power station.

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Linked List Code-Along

Low Level Learning published a video demonstrating the implementation of a linked list in C. I thought it would be fun to code along - in forth!

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Pseudo-Randomness with an LFSR in Forth

I’ve gotten into microcontroller programming as a way to learn and experiment with Forth. My goal is to create an electronic version of the Magic 8-Ball toy. The Magic 8-Ball gives a random answer to a yes-or-no question. In the digital realm, true randomness is actually difficult to achieve.

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Like Free Software? Give 'em Five!

I use a lot of free software that is very important to me. Debian, Vim, Git for Windows, PlantUML, Pandoc, gawk, bash, GNU coreutils, and the list goes on! This software improves my life, both personally and professionally. Yes, it’s free as in freedom, but it’s also free as in beer. Although I didn’t pay anything for it, it is very valuable to me.

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